My Story

I have worked in the outdoor adventure industry since 2006. After finishing my HND in Outdoor Adventure Leadership and Management, I took a year’s apprenticeship at High Adventure Outdoor Education Centre. This allowed me the opportunity to gain work experience and some qualifications key to working in industry. After a summer in West Wales and 4 years at Worcestershire Outdoor Education gaining lots of experience with groups. I felt it was time for a new challenge. So, I embarked on topping up my HND to a Degree. This gained I went to work in a school to see if this was for me. After school year in a TA position, I decided it wasn’t for me. So, headed back to the Outdoor adventure industry having the environment as my office. I decided freelance was the way forward. Choose your days choose your employers, what could go wrong!
Well luckily nothing did. Working for a couple for climbing walls and Duke of Edinburgh expedition providers was a great starter. I then was able to gain a position for some winter work in Oman. This was brilliant. I was able say good by to the wet and cold and hello to Sun sand and shorts. What a great way to spend your winter. This also helped me to then gain work with Expedition companies Camps International and Wilderness expertise. Taking groups of young people/adults to developing countries to do some volunteer work along with some sightseeing and adventure. This led to trips to Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia Ghana, and Peru.
After several years of freelancing. I felt it was time to start putting on my own events. It just so happened that a colleague was offering his trading names. So, I took on the websites and trading names and he presto I’m doing my own events for all sorts of groups and having great fun doing it. Don’t get me wrong the business side of things is a roller coaster. But I wouldn’t change it. It continues to be a steep learning curve. But as the wins out way the losses more and more it continues to get better and better.